Protecting the Sacred: Mauna a Wakea

O hanau ka Mauna a Wakea, O puu a‘e ka mauna a Wakea. O Wakea ke kane, o Papa, o Walinuu ka wahine. Hanau Hoohoku, he waahine, Hanau Haloa he ‘lii,  Hanau ka Mauna, he keiki mauna na Wakea Born is the Mauna a Wākea, The mountain of Wākea buds forth. Wākea is the male,… Continue reading Protecting the Sacred: Mauna a Wakea


Four years ago I started this blog to record my thoughts and personal opinions with the void.  However, I've come to realize that this was mostly a space that acted like a dream-board without me ever having to admit that I had one.  Before writing this, I browsed through my old posts.  An old collection… Continue reading Alone

Studying in Argentina: The Best-Worst Time Ever

It has officially been 3 months since I arrived in Argentina to study at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.  In this short period of time I have gained a new understanding of a language, a city, and its people.  Argentina is a beautiful country with possibly the best food, people, and climates one could possibly… Continue reading Studying in Argentina: The Best-Worst Time Ever

A New Adventure…Argentina!

Monday, 18 Jan. 2016 Dear Reader, I hope this letter finds you well, and that you'll excuse my writing as I have not written a letter in a while.  What should I include, what should I leave out?  These are the questions that make it difficult to even begin to start writing.  As always, you'll… Continue reading A New Adventure…Argentina!

Just a Few Words on Love

"Cultures of domination rely on the cultivation of fear as a way to ensure obedience. In our society we make much of love and say little about fear. Yet we are all terribly afraid most of the time. As a culture we are obsessed with the notion of safety. Yet we do not question why… Continue reading Just a Few Words on Love

Hi Again…Getting Restarted

Hi again.  It's been a while since I lasted posted something to this blog.  While I have missed writing and sharing, the time away has been much needed and necessary. In the long absence I have since discovered new ways of thinking, perspectives, and opinions to which others hold fast.  It is no surprise that people… Continue reading Hi Again…Getting Restarted